Wednesday, August 29, 2012

We should B........

Assessing a Peripheral Pulse & Respiration

1. Check physician’s order or nursing care plan for frequency of pulse assessment. More frequent pulse measurement may be appropriate based on nursing judgment.
2. Identify the patient.
3. Explain the procedure to the patient.
4. Close curtains around bed and close door to room if possible.
5. Perform hand hygiene and put on gloves as appropriate.
6. Select the appropriate peripheral site based on assessment data.
7. Move the patient’s clothing to expose only the site chosen.
8. Place your first, second, and third fingers over the artery. Lightly compress the artery so pulsations can be felt and counted.
9. Using a watch with a second hand, count the number of pulsations felt for 60 seconds.
10. Note the rhythm and amplitude of the pulse.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

About reserch

As I come across, research is  systemic inquiry that uses orderly scientific method  to answer questions or solve problems. research can be used to validate and refine existing knowledge and to generate new knowledge.
Research topic should have........
  • unanswered question
  • unresolved question
  • concern
  • query
You can identify a research problem or area of interest from everyday life experience. practical issues  past research or theory.
criteria for selecting a research project

Friday, August 17, 2012

Health information litaracy

Health  information literacy
Health literacy is the degree to which individual have the capacity to obtain, process & understand basic health information &services needed to make appropriate health decisions.
Health literacy is dependent on both individual and systemic factors. like
1. communication skills of lay people and professionals.
2. Knowledge of lay people &professionals of health topics.
3. cultures.
4. Demand of the health care and public health care systems.
5. Demand of the situation.

Health literacy is important, because

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