Friday, November 23, 2012

Data, Information & Knowledge in short form

  •   Data are raw facts and figures that on their own have no meaning, these can be any alphanumeric characters i.e. text, numbers, symbols
  •  E.g.-(Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes),(42, 63, 96, 74, 56, 86),(111192, 111234)
  • None of the above data sets have any meaning until they are given a CONTEXT and PROCESSED into a useable form
       Information are data that has been processed within  a context to give it meaning OR data that has been processed into a form that gives it meaning.
       The Characteristics of Valuable Information—

       Accurate                                  Accessible
       Complete                                Timely
       Economical                             Verifiable
       Relevant                                  Secure
       Flexible                                    Simple
       Knowledge is the understanding of rules needed to interpret information, organized  information which has been intellectually processed by man or by a machine
       “…the capability of understanding the relationship between pieces of information and what to actually do with the information”

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